Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I'm sitting in my new dorm room for the year. It's a different building, and feels more like an apartment than a dorm room, thank you sweet Jesus. The single window faces State Name Street, and will be a bit noisy, but this is infinitely better than than the dorm-y dorm dorm that I lived in last year.

I stayed at the French King's apartment last night (French King: formerly known as ABD, but he finished the D, so he's no longer AB, and hence, a name change was in order), a little oasis of calm after Labor Day family drama and just before 2L year hits. I went to sleep early, at 11, but am still operating on much debt, as I only slept 3 hours the night before arriving in Crimson City.

Ah, Crimson City. Ah, Crimson College Law School. Driving from the French King's apartment this morning, we had to stop at a gas station, because my stomach was churning. Okay, it was probably PMS, but I think it's significant that on my way back to school, I felt like throwing up.

Today I've got to register, go to a couple meetings about on-campus recruiting, buy my books for taxation and employment, and read for my first classes tomorrow. Which start at 8:45 am. Won't that be exciting.

I feel very disconnected just now. No one here really knows I'm here, and I sort of wish I could stay as disconnected as possible this year. I really regret now signing up for these semi-leadership roles in two organizations. I wish I could just go to class and quietly go home and do my own thing on the weekends (like volunteer at the local natural history museum, which I wanted to do last year). I don't want to be involved. It's the day before my second year at law school starts, and I've already checked out.