Friday, May 09, 2003

In lieu of another boring ass (snicker, snicker) (you'll see why later) entry, I present to you "The Tiger Which Played the Pipe," a 13-year-old Korean girl's rendition of a traditional Korean folktale. The Irish fellow at school teaches English at an educational institute, and had his kids do this for class. This is copied verbatim from the girl's essay.

The Tiger Which Played the Pipe

Once upon a time there was a young man who chopped trees. his hobby was playing the pipe. when he took a rest he always played the pipe. one day, he was playing the pipe peacefully.
Suddenly a tiger jumped out in front of him and asked "hey were you playing a kind of musical instrument?" so the woodcutter stopped playing the pipe and answered in fear. "Y..yy.. Yes, a..a.. I was playing pipe." "pipe is the name of that musical instrument?" tiger asked. He listened to the music of the pipe at the first time, so he was curious about that. "Y..yes I made it with wood." the woodcutter said. "play the pipe for me." the tiger ordered. The woodcutter didn't want to play the pipe but he couldn't help do that. if he had tried to run away, tiger would have attacked him. he began to play the pipe. strangely the tiger danced around him. at that moment he had a great idea. his mouth was playing the pipe but his legs and arms are climbing the highest tree. the tiger didn't notice when he arrived at the top of the tree he stopped playing thepipe. But the tiger became angry and climbed the tree to attack the woodcutter. The woodcutter wanted to live so he put the pipe in the tiger's buttocks. The tiger was so hurt. he ran away. after that day, when the tiger broke wind the pipe was played by that wind. and also, at that moment the tiger danced around. He didn' t know the pipe was played by his buttocks until he died.

wrote by cindy.