Something in the water?
I continue to be strangely and unnervingly chipper about this semester. I must remind myself that it is always this way when I return from a break from things legal: the world looks fresh and new and full of hope -- and then the second week of the term starts.
But really -- my classes (all six of 'em I'm considering) look interesting, my clinical project (setting up a screening and referral system for potential employment discrimination plaintiffs) is kinda exciting, I'm working with The Turtle again, whom I adore, I just got wind of a new mediation project that I'd be involved with from the ground up, and I'm fairly relaxed and happy about it all.
Maybe it's the gym-going? But I've only been going for two days!
Or maybe it's the 2-3 hours of DVD-watching I do every day? (For research, OF COURSE.)
The perspective gained from going to a developing country and (separately) seeing The Nephew?
Or maybe, just maybe, I've finally figured out that the best and most important thing now is to be as happy as possible, which means not taking anything about law school seriously? Including but not limited to: really fucking annoying people, the seemingly important decisions that aren't really important at all, the metaphorically flatulent professors, the ridiculous Socratic method of teaching, the ludicrous self-important atmosphere, and so on?
Hm. Check in with me again next week.
Baby pic of the day:

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