Wednesday, January 17, 2007


After 3 days of invalidism, during which I alternated between: 1. lying in bed staring at the ceiling; 2. sitting up in bed propped by many pillows staring at my laptop to watch ABC shows online; or 3. hobbling weakly to the kitchen for water, occasionally putting out a hand to steady myself on the wall, I managed to rouse myself enough today to get out of the dorm.

Actually, I should thank Resident Evil, because last night I was going a bit stir crazy after three days of no human contact, and so actually showered and got dressed and stuff ... in order to walk downstairs and watch the last episode of Firefly I hadn't seen from her box set with her. I'd been avoiding watching it because I was afraid of getting obsessed all over again, but watching it with Resident Evil made it easier not to get sucked back in. I think I successfully held the obsessive tendencies at bay, but... damn, that was a good show. And damn, Nathan Fillion is hot. Resident Evil and I amused ourselves by discussing said hotness for a while, contemplating a drive across the country to Studio City to stalk the man, becoming his "friend" on myspace, and considering the relative unhealthiness and insanity of ourselves and our love for the delectable (and highly talented!) actor.

Anyhoo. About today -- yeah, I finally slept some normal hours (11 pm to 7 am) and did a fair bit of unpacking before getting exhausted at 8:30 am and collapsing onto the bed again. I did go to the doctor today after all, who rejected the idea of malaria and sent me to offer up some blood at the lab.

Thus, outside the doctoring, about all I managed today was to unpack and organize my papers. Which isn't a small feat, considering the fact that I had to match rest and work in about a 1:1 ratio, but which does mean that I have two days left to the winter term, and I have not touched my 3L paper. Well, tomorrow is another day.