Sti'ick (abbreviated form of "still sick")
The past two days have been a blur of trying to eat despite total lack of appetite, feeling nauseated when I do eat, sleeping in an effort not to feel nauseated, waking up with my stomach completely empty, trying to muster up the energy to get a drink of water at the other end of the hall, watching my Netflix DVDs, and generally feeling pretty pathetic.
Ugh. Yesterday I fell asleep at 2 pm and woke up at 11 pm with a raging headache. Tried to eat something. Felt like hurling, so went to lie on bed to rest and instead fell asleep. Woke up at 2 am, tried to eat again. Been up now for 4 hours. (Yes, that was completely repetitive of the first paragraph. I know. Becoming a bit addled, perhaps, due to too many days without eating properly.)
Sigh. Despite my misanthropic tendencies, I have far too much self-pity and too many hypochondriac fantasies to become a real hermit. I also enjoy drama a little too much. Thus I will probably go to the school doctor today, who will tell me that no, I do not have typhoid, yellow fever, malaria, or meningitis (which I know already, since I took drugs for all of those diseases before my trip); that I need to "increase my caloric intake" (which is what a nurse told me during college after a semi-long illness at the end of which I was walking around feeling like I was going to faint); and that no, she will not admit me to the hospital so that I can feel justified in avoiding all work (I haven't even unpacked my suitcase, which for me is a big deal since I usually unpack the minute I get ho-- c'mon lady, just give me an IV, already! Please?).
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