Rising panic quelled (but not really, since I woke up with a stomach ache from hell and continue to feel queasy)
(Alternate title: How can I amuse myself while procrastinating from studying con law and capital punishment, both of which I apparently want to fail?)
The cover of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy tells you: "DON'T PANIC." And when you open it, it starts speaking to you in a soothing, intelligent-but-not-intimidating tone of voice that breaks it down, lays it out, and schools you in the most gentle, understanding of ways. You close the book and think, "Damn! Now I understand why prior restraints on free exercise of speech are considered bad!"
That is, if you have the Hitchhiker's Guide to con law. Which reminds me: I'm breaking the 40-something-tall-good-looking-liberal-dad-of-three mold to introduce my new boyfriend:

You laugh, but Erwin Chemerinsky laughs along with you, because Erwin Chemerinsky is a legal genius who -- oxymoronically -- writes beautifully and clearly, enjoys chatting with Supreme Court justices on various issues of national significance, turned down a deanship at UNC to teach with his wife at Duke, and generally has a cooler, more fulfilled, and far more significant life than yours. And someday, he will come to his senses and marry me.

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