Sunday, April 23, 2006

Oh, spring (The Dialectic)

- Daffodils! Tulips! Dogwood blossoms! Grass! Neon green new leaves shyly sprouting from branches! Those yellow ... flower-y ... things! On branches!

- Rain.

- Sandals! Coat colors other than black or dark blue! No hats! Flower-print dresses and skirts! Cute little jackets!

- Flabby.

- Birds chirping! People sitting outside! The reappearance of patio furniture outside the cafeteria! Love bursting forth with the ardor of new hope and passion!

- Couples kissing on the sidewalk.

- Talk of summer plans! Excitement about new places! Thrill of having nights and weekends back!

- Exams, papers, new positions and responsibilities in student orgs, work permits still ungotten, studystudystudystudystudy.

- [silence]

- Ha. I win.