Friday, July 22, 2005

Well, I didn't get onto law review. I have to admit that I'm disappointed; I liked doing the competition, in a way, and getting on would have been a nice feather in my cap. And I wouldn't have had to do anything else at law school.

I thought I had a reasonable chance at it, seeing as writing's my strong point. I felt awful about what I turned in, but I've gotten A-'s where I've felt as terrible about the exam as I did about the competition, so I had some hope. Which was dashed. Today. I guess analysis actually does count for something.

Well. This way I have the last two weeks of August free, to go to Korea or stick around in Alaska and do something crazy. Should be good.

I was freaking out for some reason yesterday and today about finishing up this research project at work that has been hanging over my head for three weeks now. Every since Supe(rvisor) said, "It's really not that hard, you should have finished by now," I've been building it up in my head and turned it into a total block. Well, today I had to finish it, since Supe wants to talk about it tomorrow, so I alternated between whining to my Co-Intern, writing, surfing the web, and whining some more about how I hate legal research.

The memo I wrote is pretty crap, but at least I have something to turn in. I'm not even positive that Supe wanted something written, but after talking to Co-Intern and Roommate, who have both been asked to write up memos on their legal research (something that Supe never asked for), I thought, "Daaaang, maybe I should have been writing up memos on all the stuff Supe's asked me to look up too. But he never asked me to write it up! Ehhhh....."

Good writing only gets you so far, and then you actually have to think about stuff. As they say in Bethel, so sick.

Dad's coming to town tomorrow. Picking him up at the airport tomorrow at 11:40 am. I've got a vague plan of what we're going to do this weekend and into Tuesday. I hope it all works out.