Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Working on getting some pictures up on ofoto. Also thinking deep thoughts about family, talking deep about same with bigbro, eating a fantastic wild salmon dinner cooked by Roommate and her visitor (hey, I supplied the salmon. okay, from Big G at my office, true, but still), and mentally preparing for the next slew of visitors, arriving tomorrow.

Also laughing about this morning's hearing, at which I spoke a little bit for our client. Supervisor, as is his wont, bashed some heads together in between my much calmer explanations and interjections. At the end of the meeting, one of the people we were meeting with turned to Supervisor and said, while shaking his hand: "I hope I never meet you again, but it was nice talking with you." Burn!

Supervisor said he felt kind of hurt by that. I believe him, actually.

Was not terrible but felt rather timid this morning. But a VAST improvement over last hearing date, which I slept through. Showing up makes a real difference, I found.

Feeling very bloaty and thick around the waist. Must start running. When think about the skinny, muscled, kick-ass self I was at this time of year last year (taekwondo three times a week and all), I feel quite ick.