Friday, October 01, 2004

Am taking a break from trying to figure out why it is more efficient, in the economic analysis paradigm, to let a hotel owner build onto his hotel at the expense of blocking his neighbor's access to sunlight in the winter. Yeah, I don't understand it either. Although oddly enough, I think my Property class is the one I understand the best. It's so tangible and visible in real life -- I've been a tenant, I've had landlords, I've heard about smoke and chemicals affecting people who live by factories. Contracts is a little less accessible -- while the facts of the cases are often compelling (an uncle promises to give his nephew $500 if he quits swearing and drinking and gambling -- the uncle kicks the bucket before paying up and the nephew sues the estate for the money), the arguments seem dry to me.

And civil procedure -- the less said, the better. Civ pro is famously difficult to understand for first year law students, and my prof, I think, shoots too high. She admits as much, and I wish she'd dumb it down already. It's all well and good if you're a brilliant young scholar, but for regular mortals, a good basic larnin' would be just dandy, thanks.

Anyway. I've signed up for far too many activities, including two clinical programs, one dealing with mediation and one with defending low income people in show-cause hearings, which, as I understand it, is the step before you are offiically charged with a crime, which goes on your record and can be detrimental in getting a job, for example, even if you win your case and are proven innocent.

It's 2 am, and I am again going to be very sleepy in my 9 am Property class. I was up late last night too, having met my old sophomore year roommate Skippy for coffee. I haven't seen Skippy for about two and a half years, and she looks fabulous. She's doing fabu too -- finished business school this past spring (paid for by her employer) and just bought a condo in Westchester.

I've been terribly lucky the past few weeks -- Dr. Slow was here three weeks ago, One Armed Maggie this past weekend, and Skippy yesterday. And it don't stop there -- I get to see the Junebug tomorrow night, and then Magnetic D on Saturday. It's like I'm exerting this irresistable attractive force and my friends are getting zapped here, like so many straight pins to a magnet. (Oh, it's late, give me a break.)