Saturday, September 11, 2004

The first week of law school is over!

I only have one class on Fridays, but I really sort of frittered the day away: after class (which starts at 8:50 am -- ouch), I ate in my room and IM'd with Maiko for the first time since I've been back in the States. I read a little Contracts homework, and then met a nice woman I met two nights ago for lunch. There's an odd little Asian food court place a few blocks north of the school, full of real Japanese people and real Japanese ramen! I didn't think I'd be able to find a ramen shop here, but I'm glad to be proved wrong.

Lunch was very nice. I think I might have found my first friend at law school. She was a math and bio major in college and she sometimes does math problems for fun when she finds herself missing it. How can you not love someone like that?

After a late and long ramen lunch (not as good as in the Ramen Museum in Yokohama, but how could it be, really?), I went back to my dorm and found 40 people sitting in the common room just outside my door, watching a criminal law documentary some prof had assigned. I so need to move rooms.

I got in my room and was horsing around on email (oh, the dangers of the computer!) when I got a call from my high school friend and Cambridge compatriot Nina, who's in CA visiting her folks. She was on Catalina Island and she was bored. She's coming back to Boston next Friday, and can't wait. She's so not a west coast person, even though she's from L.A.

I squeezed out of my room, knocking quietly first to let the documentary-watching people sitting against the door know I was about to leave, and went for an unusually long run along the Charles. The weather made me do it -- breezy, blue skies, friendly white clouds, cool but not cold. The world can be so beautiful. Life can be so beautiful. Outside the law school.

Back at the dorm, I chatted a bit with two other dorm dwellers, and was gratified to find that they too had no evening plans, just studying. So I went to my 8X12 room and did some laundry while doing some reading. (Note about laundry: lord knows dryers use up hella amounts of energy and all, but jumpin' jehosephats, I missed gathering up a big pile of warm, dry clothes from the dryer.) Around 11 or so, meinen langsam freunden ("my slow friend" -- yes, in-joke) called up: she's taking a break from her residency in the Bronx to play in Boston this weekend, so we're scheduled to spend tomorrow afternoon together. It's been a year since I've seen her, so -- yay!

After we talked, I hung up and took up my Contracts book again. And here I am. Briefing cases. At 1 am on a Friday night. Law school sure is fun. No, really, I mean that. Kind of. Well, when you feel like you have friends it's fun.