Monday, September 13, 2004

You know what's sad? Sad is when you get up at 9 am and walk three-quarters of a mile to go grocery shopping and spend an hour there because it's nice to be in a huge grocery store with so much Stuff and check out your stuff and manage to cram it all into the free bags you got from Westlaw and Lexis-Nexis and walk three-quarters of a mile home laden with 10 pounds of groceries on your back and shoulders and get home and be really eager to eat those organic blue tortilla chips with the little pepper flakes on 'em and find that they aren't there because you left them on the checkout counter. That's sad. Very sad. I'm still recovering.

Last night there was a floor meeting in my dorm and I was told by two people that I didn't look 28 at all. Which is nice. But somewhat diminished by the fact that they were 7 years younger. I don't know why.

I wake up at 8:30 these days because of the sunlight streaming in through my blinds, and instead of trying to sleep more, I actually get up. It's very strange. I think it's because I feel like I have so much reading to do. Which I do. It's like, endless. After I finish this entry, for example, I'm going to get started on my contracts reading for tomorrow, which means I will totally forget what I read for today.

Well, at least I have some rice cooking next to me. I bought a little five pound bag yesterday and I'm psyched. I found a cannister of furikake at the store too, a Japanese rice seasoning which is basically salt but yummier. (Though now that I look at the label, it was made in China. Huh.) It's been a few weeks since I've had rice and I miss it.