Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Too Tired To Write

Yes, too tired to write, but also, lately I haven't felt like writing much. I dunno, may have to consider a change to the blog format here (perhaps every day is a bit much at this stage).

I forgot to mention that this weekend was my grandmother's birthday, and 10 members of the family gathered at a Chinese restaurant to celebrate: my grandmother, my grandmother's sister, my aunt (widowed in the summer), my oldest uncle and his wife, my deceased uncle's wife and her two kids, my dad, and me. My aunt joked that my grandmother looked a little teary-eyed, but I think I might have been too, if I were in my 70s and my kids and grandkids were all gathered 'round.

It was that thing again -- feeling rooted, feeling connected, feeling like I'm part of something bigger instead of adrift in a lonely sea with only a couple companions. Friends are beautiful, they understand you in ways that family doesn't dream of, but ultimately friends live their lives and you live yours. Family -- at least families like my dad's side, in which the members are all on good terms with each other even if they don't see each other much -- is permanent. I finally understand what my dad parroted all those years when we were growing up.