Monday, October 27, 2003

Low Profile

I haven't updated in a few days because I've been busy staying up til 3 am, dealing with drunkards, studying, taekwondo-ing, working on getting my photos up online, and generally living life, though not with as much sleep as I'd like. I'm still waking up at 3 am, even though I've gotten myself to see 11 pm as bedtime rather than 5 pm.

Today, much tired, as was up til late doing photos online and then woke up to a very long day at school, work, taekwondo, and home. Taekwondo -- ouch. Much flexibility lost.

Nothing of interest to include here at the moment. Am still feeling that confidence thing. Myung-soo, my friend at work, mentioned it today. Maybe it's the clothes. The ghost of Julie and her sisters (my sister-in-law and her sisters) permeating the clothes she handed down to me when I was in SF, and causing me to walk taller, feel handsomer, be less afraid.