Last night in Crimson City
The moon is bright tonight, bright and full, pale and cool, uncaring but illuminating.
I will be sorry to leave. I wish I didn't have to leave this comfortable house and its owners, of whom I have grown very fond. (It's a bit like living with parents who take care of all the annoying parts of being an adult but who are also your friends -- the best of all possible worlds!) I'm sorry to be leaving my friends in Crimson City, several of whom I've seen in the past few days, and toward whom I feel much love and affection. I've gotten used to life in Crimson City, and now it's over.
But before it's really over, there are movers to deal with, eye appointments to keep, lunches to have, and last-minute clean-ups to manage before I take off at 7 pm on Thursday toward more challenges and beginnings. Undoubtedly, I will have more to say on the subject before I actually leave.
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