Thursday, September 13, 2007

Laid low

I thought about it, but for reasons of mental health more than physical, I didn't. Go out. At all. Today. To look for apartments.

It's true that I have a decent-sized head cold and feel fairly crappy, but I could have gone downstairs, at least, and asked about any vacancies in this building. But I didn't.

The thought of picking the right place, dealing with possibly shady brokers, having to fork over thousands of dollars, possibly not finding a place in time for my start date -- ugh. I feel defeated, even before I've begun. Maybe I should give up on living in Manhattan and just live in Astoria, where I could get more for my money.

Maybe I should just chalk this day up as a loss and be more focused tomorrow.

Forget what I wrote yesterday. I'm totally not equipped to be an adult.