Running with the land...
... like a covenant! Or an easement! Or a reciprocal negative equitable servitude! Run, little restrictive covenant, run!
After essentially ignoring the Bar review class these past four weeks, I finally buckled down and started making flashcards and reviewing materials this week, and today, having spent about 9 hours on real property and mortgages, I can say with definitiveness: Barbri blows.
I thought I might sort of enjoy learning the actual law, instead of being bored to tears about hypothetical situations and laws as I was in law school classes, but -- no. I don't mind it as much as school, but as I was walking home on Thursday night after an unsuccessful four hours of trying to learn corporations law, I had the thought that I feel exactly about Barbri as I did about law school: it's intellectual stimulation, yes, but in the most bored and boring part of the brain.
I find law a complete and utter snoozefest, and there ain't no two ways around it.
In other news, The Turtle and I got our first piece of good news re: funding -- the one place he applied to wants to do a site visit and interview him (and maybe me). So they're considering us!
Which, ironically, gives rise to slightly mixed emotions from me, since I've been slowly convincing myself -- with total justification, after a number of conversations with people in the know -- that it's unlikely I'll get funding. I was kind of looking forward to moving to New York, actually. Of course, that means I'll get funding and stay in Crimson City. Naturally.
Scientist news (not safe for bigbros)
Quick rundown of events: I'd seen him for a walk and dinner on the Tuesday before graduation, tried calling him, upset about impending graduation stress on Wednesday, got an email back from him that I didn't respond to because I was dealing with graduation. So he called last weekend and I saw him briefly last Sunday, for like, half an hour, after I broke my back and then realized I had to pick up stuff from campus. He graciously drove me there and picked up the stuff.
Yada yada. Okay. So this past Wednesday, we meet up, and without much talking, pretty much fall into bed. It was nice, but ... there was something missing ... what could it be? Hmm... affection, maybe? Yeah, that's it! That little thing! So I went home feeling weirded out and discontent and thinking that I really do need to break up with him. Because -- damn, not even an offer to take me out for dinner as congratulations for graduating? That is so not classy.
(On the other hand, it's possibly he was hurt by my implicit retraction of my invitation to my graduation party two Fridays ago. I'd mentioned it a few weeks ago, when I was feeling a lot more positive about him and us, and then just didn't say anything, even when he brought it up the Tuesday before graduation. Which maybe wasn't so classy of me. Scientist brought it up again a week ago, when he asked about how it went, and said, "I guess my invitation got lost in the mail." Yeah, it got lost all right. It's probably in the same sodden pile as my expired optimism and joyfulness regarding this relationship.)
Then last night, I go over to his place. I actually go and retrieve his Scrabble box from the shelf, because hi, a relationship is more than just sex, okay, and we've talked about playing before. But then... we fall into bed. And this time, he is kind of affectionate, and we watch some TV and hang out, and he seems sad when I say I can't sleep over because I have a lot of work to do the next day.
A relationship IS more than just sex. But that seems to be the best part of this relationship. And that is kind of okay with me. (As long as it's accompanied by affection and kindness and respect, anyway.) (Which I'm not sure it is.) I don't really need to talk to him that often. It's okay when we go out for dinner or go for a walk, but truth be told, conversation is kind of ... painful sometimes.
Who is using whom for sex here? And does it matter?
Ack. Past midnight. Time to sleep and perchance to escape questions about the recording system for deeds and mortgages for a few blessed hours.
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