Sunday, June 04, 2006

Oh dear LORD

To my mother: please stop using me to get my father back. It sucks for me, won't work, and will ultimately disappoint you. And it makes me feel mean when I tell you I won't be the go-between. So stop.

To Friend: please STOP STOP STOP asking me why I think we wouldn't be a good couple. It sucks for me, won't work, and will ultimately disappoint you. And it makes me feel mean when I tell you (for the FIFTH TIME) that I can't tell you a reason because there is no logical reason. (It's called feelings. They change. STOP ASKING ME TO EXPLAIN THEM.)

Otherwise, a lovely day with friends, both at brunch and at a flea market where three of us bought antique glass bottles from a knowledgeable and interesting digger of artifacts (who probably buys these things from a store down the street and laughs all the way home at us gullible fools). I love my friends.