Not enjoying the perm -- more on that later. Had my teeth cleaned, participated in an ancestor respect ritual, and saw three friends yesterday, including KB, about whom I feel ... friendship. Yay! And am now off to Choonchun with the grandmothers and father to eat some chicken BBQ. More later.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
- ~What I would sound like channeling Snoop Dogg, courtesy of the Trentster.
- I lived in Korea for two years, which was hella fun. Then I went to law school in Crimson City, which was a total drag. Now I'm about to start work as a corporate robot whore drone in New York. That should be interesting. Not.
Previous Posts
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- Had another one of those double-edged conversation...
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- Junebug's plane is, if taking off on schedule, lea...
- Junebug came back today from her 10-day kayaking t...
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