Thursday, June 10, 2004

I am a bridger of peoples! I am an example of an American the rest of the world doesn't want to throttle! I am warm and witty and and cute and smart! and I am charming! enough to drink until 3 am with a junior junior junior employee of the the Britihsh embassay until 3 am! yes, I reapeated 3 am -- twice! -- because it was 3 am when we left the bar! in Itaewon! after the karaoke bar! where i san g "Love me tender" with the junior junior junrio diplomat! who's married! and leaving town in two weeks! and whom I tought was rather handsome from the start! because he kind of is! and I'm going to see him at school next week when he'll be sure to get my email! so we can be the bestest friends -- internationally! and when he's an all-important English diplomat, I can call him up to airlift me out of Zambia because I chipped in for the karaoke bar when he was short! and bought him a beer!

and I'm totally not going to [ ] to see KB because I don't need that kind of fuckig heartache, and if KB wants to see me, he can damn well say so, and not beat around the fuckig bush! and also because if he didn't have the balls to confess his love for a woman after two years, then -- although he's no doubt a marvelous guy -- he's not worth it! yay me! i'm fabulous! screw that rotten mind-game-playin KB! he don't know a good thing when he sees it! whee! and... yeah! that's right!

and I'm very drunk

but not so drunk that I can't recognize that I'm drunk

only drunk enough to realize that I'm going to pay tomorrow.


But that last vodka tonic tasted so good.


PS. To the Ringleted One -- I'm sorry for thd runken phone call! and congrats on your new pad! and have a great party! if I were there, I'd definitely swim on your floor.