Monday, November 18, 2002

Again, loads of work today, including one really atrociously written article about Thai-Korean relations. Trying to figure out what someone means when they write stuff like this --

"These illustrate many good memories of a long-time relations, generating knowledge of Korean socieities, the Republic of Korea in particular, of the remote peninsula among the Thai. Accordingly, Koreas and Koreans are no foreign to us in the past and modern era."

-- is no easy task.
I had such an interesting weekend, too, dancing til 3:30 at a hip hop club, partaking of three cakes for two birthdays, being told that a popular area of town was dangerous for girls late at night because of "too many fucking GIs and niggers," and asking a non-responsive hooker if she was okay.
At least, I think she was a hooker.
Will write of all these things later this week. Finally, I did something fun that I can tell you about!