Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Last Friday was the day I turned in my last law school assignment. So this journey of a thousand mind-bogglingly boring cases and classes is over, and -- barring the extreme displeasure of the grading gods -- I will be done with the overall wretched experience of getting a law degree in a few weeks when I walk away with my diploma.

It was anticlimactic to turn in the paper; my advisor, with whom I have exchanged at most 20 words in person, looked at me as if he were wondering, "Do I know you? Should I know you? If I should know you, how well should I know you?" and brusquely took my written product with a thanks and a "looking forward to it." I went home to the dorm and took an hour break (watched Desperate Housewives online over food) and then set to packing up my room.

In the pouring rain, Scientist and Mathgirl's husband and I crammed all my stuff into three cars and then it was done. Three years of living on campus, gone. The building where I lived the past two years will be a heap of rubble before long (that was why I had to move the same day I turned in my paper), and so even the physical place where I slept and studied and ate will be gone.

Moving is exhausting, even with the help of friends, and I was tres tired indeed last weekend, and thus probably not much fun to be around at The French King's wedding, which was emotionally moving during the ceremony, and light and fun and relaxed during the brunch immediately afterwards. The rain, which had been non-stop for days, stopped an hour or so before the ceremony, and then after the brunch, the sun broke out like a benediction. It was lovely. The French King did a nice thing for me by seating me next to the only single man on the guest list -- trouble was, his Queen also did a nice thing for her single female friends by doing the same. It made me laugh on the inside.

On Monday, I started bar review classes at 9 am, which was not very pleasant. The meeting I had afterwards at 2 pm was not much better, but the dinner I attended at 6 was very nice indeed; both events were for Student Org #1 and involved people I enjoy being around, but the meeting also included some blowhards on the faculty whereas the dinner was just celebrating longtime members of the group.

After the dinner, I decided to go grocery shopping, and because I had a car at my disposal, I traipsed through the aisles loading my cart up with heavy, ungainly packages that I would never have bought if I had to carry it home on my back and shoulders. Canned foods! A gallon of soy milk! Whee!

After dropping off the groceries, I went over to Scientist's house at his invitation, where we did not talk about our relationship, glory be. But for whatever reason, I was tired and sad, and he could tell, and he said: "Sometimes when I'm tired I get sad too." I appreciated that nonjudgmental validation. I also appreciated his next statement, which was: "Have you tried omega - 3s? I have some you can have." I agreed to take some, expecting that he'd give me a handful in a plastic bag; no, he gave me a bottle of 180 pills, plus -- this was what really made me smile -- a gummy worm. Hee! It was sweet. I may have to reattach that adjective to his pseudonym here. The next day, he emailed to see how I was doing and whether I'd tried the pills. Aw.

I took a couple hours yesterday to read a novel by myself on campus, and the solitude and absorption helped relieve the terrible fatigue of the past few days. And then Resident Evil and I went to see Waitress. Nathan Fillion, call me, honey!

Sorry this has been a totally boring ass catalogue of events for the past few days, but I have been busy and tired beyond belief (it doesn't help that I wake up at 7 am because of the light pouring into this room in the mornings), and today was the first day in weeks where I wasn't studying, writing, moving, helping someone else move, packing, unpacking, or going to meetings up the wazoo. The first day in weeks I feel like I can actually breathe. There is an end to the madness... and I wish I could say I was almost there, but I now have to really start the search for funding, and study for the bar, and... and... and it never really ends, does it? I feel like I've been saying for years that after the next deadline, the next step, things will get a little easier and I'll get to sort of relax a bit, but somehow that never seems to be the case.
It just stays busy and you squeeze fun and reflection and friends into all the crevices where you're not doing something you have to do.

Well. Constant reflection makes hk a dull girl anyway.