Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm bringing cranky back

I canNOT get Justin Timberlake's song out of my head. It is impossibly annoying. Even if the boy has brought sexy back. Britney, do you watch that video and weep into your Cheetos? I bet you do.

What else is annoying: not being able to get the classes you want.

What is even more annoying than that: not being informed whether you can get into the classes or not, sending your entire schedule into a tailspin into Fall Schedule hell.

On a side note: I think fall is not a kind time for me. In the fall of my first year, I had a hyperventilatory episode in the library and had to walk around for an hour in the cold, cold Crimson night to calm down. In the fall of my second year, I had a crappy legal history class and I flubbed the final of a beloved employment class. And this fall, I am cranky to the max, short on sleep, and unable to finalize my schedule, which means I haven't done any reading, which means -- whatever, law school. You suck.

In contrast, my spring semesters have been pretty good -- my first year, I took the most interesting and important class in my law school experience (Famous Minority Professor's class); last year I had a great clinical supervisor and a ridiculously fun history class; and whatever happens this spring, I get to graduate, dammit, so that's gotta be good.

Of course, there are times when school isn't annoying. For instance, it's 3 in the afternoon now, and I'm sitting on a wooden bench under a tree, soaking up the sunshine and getting my cranky out on the computer.

I got some very good advice from fabulous Ro in London. (Ro, by the way, on a panel of expert judges consisting of three flaming queens, has decided I should start my legal career in New York, since that's where I'll find a rich husband.) It was in regard to boys, and it is beautifully to the point: "Just say yes." Which made me laugh my damn head off last weekend, and still does today.

But sometimes, you need to just say no. You need to say no, I'm not going to think about the money I'm hemoraging, because money's pouring into my bank account. No, I'm not going to get riled up about how much money I pay this school to come here, because if I do, I'll get annoyed about how I can't get the classes I want, and it's not important enough to get stressed out over. No, I'm not going to sit there and be quiet while my co-leader for Student Org #1 plans stuff that involves representing Student Org #1 and doesn't tell me about it. No, I'm not going to go out again, because I need to just lie on my bed and read trashy magazines and eat green tea ice cream. No, I'm not going to beat myself over the head about telling something to someone that I shouldn't have, because cat's out of the bag, and the person who should be annoyed with me totally isn't. No, no, no.

And so beginneth my third and final year here.