Wednesday, November 12, 2003

A hagwon (private educational institute) here wants to know if I'd be interested in giving a workshop on college application essays in the winter. I've been avoiding replying.

I'm not sure that the timing would work out anyway, as I'll be in Southeast Asia til Jan. 11 or so, but I feel weird about the whole concept. I don't really feel qualified to do a workshop on this topic. I mean, I could just spout what the books say, but that seems like a cop-out. They could just go buy the books, you know?

On the other hand, I don't really feel that qualified to read three translations of a Korean essay and recommend which translator to hire, but I just did.

Took my test this morning and left 5 minutes early -- a first -- after getting bored. I just didn't feel like checking my answers.

Maiko is due to head over to my place tonight. I'm psyched. Love overnight guests. So come visit me, dang nab it! Who knows how much longer I'll be here? I am, however, going to finish those darn What Color Is Your Parachute? exercises by the end of this month, so maybe I'll have some clue as to when I'll go back next year.