Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Now it is time on Sprockets when we drink

Yesterday I spent an absurd amount of time at the travel agency, waiting for my ticket to get dropped off, and then for my hotel information to download. I also didn't get around to the Cambodian embassy. Annoying!

After the graduation ceremony, our class had lunch, which was pretty quiet, since most of my classmates had been out til midnight or 1 or 2 drinking together. But not me, because I had another appointment. Boo!

After lunch, I hung around the school for no good reason, just sitting at the window with a couple of other classmates who drifted hither and thither, also for no good reason. Then we started feeling depressed. Wah!

Then I planned to go to taekwondo for the last time this year, and I didn't. Weak!

But instead I went out with Gyung-li and Midori, who graduated the language program yesterday, and had barbecued pork, soju, coffee, beer, lemon soju and another kind of liquor at, respectively, a BBQ place, a karaoke bar, and a regular bar. Score!

An excellent time was had by all last night. None of us had been out drinking for quite a while, so we had a rockin' good time. I ended up sleeping over at Gyung-li's apartment, on the delightfully warm floor (heating systems usually consist of hot water pipes under the floor, you remember). And even though I woke up with my contact lenses like, stuck to my eyeballs, I feel in good spirits. Today is my last day of work and this evening Wendy is arriving. And the beat goes on.